Sorry we missed you yesterday.
A few words about the Sh’ma. Judaism’s declaration of faith.
We read it in this weeks Torah portion.
… It’s the Jewish belief in monotheism. One G-d.
“Hear Israel, the Lord our G-d is One”.
Of course, it taught the world about G-d.
That there is only one.
But it also taught the world about man.
“ You shall love G-d with all your heart…”
That G-d wants us to have a relationship with Him.
Wants us to love him.
In fact, its actually a commandment to Love G-d!
… Which raises a very big question.
How can there be a commandment to love?
Love is an emotion.
Can you legislate love?
… A mother can say to her child, “You must eat your broccoli”!
And he can force himself to eat it. Even if he hates it.
But if the mother says, “You must love broccoli”?
The kid would say, “ Mom. I’ll eat it if you make me.
But I can not love it”!
So how can the Torah demand that we love G-d.
What if it’s just not there?
… This teaches us a very important lesson about love.
That it’s not, “Either you have it or you don’t”.
But there are things we can do to develop love.
Because it’s part of human nature.
When we feel that someone loves us very deeply?
And constantly showers us with love.
Something happens.
We love them.
That’s why children love their parents. Even non-biological parents.
… So when the Torah says, “Love G-d”?
It’s a commandment to develop love for G-d.
By thinking!
About all the ways that He showers us with love.
The gift of life. The special people in our lives.
All the beauty that surrounds us. All the pleasure that we have.
… And the love comes automatically!
Have a great Shabbat!
All the best,