I have to share this story with you!
It’s a follow up to the last few “Torah Minutes.”
… There are quite a few CTN participants who have gotten much more involved in Jewish tradition and observance than the way they were raised.
And I always love meeting their parents – many of whom have become great friends.
… Sometimes, they’ll have a “complaint.”
“What did you do to my child?
He’s become so religious”!
And sometimes? “She used to be so normal!”
My answer?
“In a way, it’s your fault!
Your kid’s a great kid.
And I know where he got it from.
You taught great values in your home!
And your child has decided to connect to the source of your values.
The Torah!
… I was once visiting a CTN participant in her home.
Her mother and “secular” sister happened to drop by.
We went through the whole “shpiel”!
The mother laughed and said, “Oh no. Don’t go blame it on me!”
And we schmoozed some more.
The sister happened to mention that she had been living in her apartment for a year.
And had never had a guest.
The mother was shocked.
“Aren’t you ashamed to say that you’ve never had a guest?”
The sister’s response?
“No. When I get home, I want my space.
And that’s my apartment!”
The mother said, “I can’t believe you’re saying this!”
… That was my opening!
I said to the mother, “Do you know what’s happening here?
There’s a name for what you’re telling your daughter.
It’s called Torah!”
The reason you’re so shocked?
For thousands of years, Jewish children learned about Abraham!
And how taking care of guests is greater than talking to G-d!”
…She continues to wonder what happened to her daughter.
And we remain great friends!