Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert recently spoke before a joint meeting of Congress.
He was eloquent and inspiring.
… One part of his moving speech caught my attention.
He quoted Abraham Lincoln.
“I am a success today because I had a friend who believed in me. And I didn’t have the heart to let him down.”
Olmert went on to say, us. “Israel is grateful that America believes in us.
Let me assure you that we will not let you down”.
… Modeh Ani. A very short but very meaningful prayer.
Traditionally it’s the first thing a Jew says in the morning.
To remind ourselves about something we often take for granted.
We thank G-d that we’re alive!
“I gratefully thank You, living and eternal King, for You have returned my soul within me with compassion. Abundant is Your faithfulness!”
If you already say it, great.
And if you don’t?
Try it!
I guarantee that it will change your day. Give you a different perspective on life.
And it will make your problems seem a bit smaller!
Money back guarantee!
… The last words of Modeh Ani are amazing!
“Abundant is Your faithfulness!”
“Your” faithfulness. With a capital “Y”!
G-d’s faithfulness!
It’s an incredible idea. An uplifting idea.
(Spell check didn’t get it. Kept saying, “change to your faithfulness”)
There are billions of people in the world.
But you know why each of us is alive?
Because G-d believes in us!
He has faith that we can make a difference. Can make the world a better place!
Faith that we can choose to live a life of meaning. Choose right over wrong.
… Abraham Lincoln was right.
We shouldn’t have the heart to disappoint someone who has faith in us.
Especially the Creator of the Universe!
So next time we’re tempted by a juicy piece of gossip?
Or about to pass up a chance to do an act of kindness?
We should stop. And we should think.
Remind ourselves about the faith G-d has in us.
And we should say, “I will not let You down!”
All the best,
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