The Jews were traveling through the desert.
(I got the spelling right this time!)
So the Temple was portable.
And all the utensils had carrying poles.
It was very practical. Need to move on?
You insert the poles and transport them
… But when it comes to the Ark?
Something very interesting.
“The poles must remain in the Ark’s rings. And not be removed”. (Exodus, 25:15)
They were never allowed to take the carrying poles out!
Something unique to theArk.
… . A great Rabbi once said that a synagogue can be a wonderful thing.
The place where we reconnect to G-d. And to the Torah.
And it can help make our lives more meaningful.
But you know what else a synagogue can be? If we’re not very careful?
A prison for G-d!
A place where we “lock Him up” and say,
“G-d please stay right here in the Synagogue.
If I need you?
I know where to find You”
… G-d doesn’t want to be locked up.
He wants to be part of our lives.
G-d wants us to have a relationship with Him.
And the Torah is how we can make that happen.
…So there was a very powerful symbolic message.
The Ark had to have its carrying poles connected at all times.
Because the Torah is always ready to go.
It wants to come home with us!
All the best,