Hope you’re having a great day.
… I noticed something at the bottom of an e-mail recently.
I had seen it before.
But I don’t think I gave it much thought.
But Yom Kippur is coming, so I look at things differently.
I look for things that can help me improve.
What did it say?
Please consider the environment before printing this email
.That we should consider the ecology before deciding whether to print the message.
And it got me thinking about another kind of environment.
The spiritual and moral environment.
Because our actions can impact that as well.
When we speak lashon harah, gossip?
We affect those around us.
They become less sensitive. More likely to do the same.
We help make gossip more acceptable.
And it hurts people’s feelings. Causes friction between people.
In short?
Gossip pollutes the environment!
And e-mail gossip can be even worse.
Because once you click that send button?
There’s no taking it back!
And no knowing where it will end up!
So next time we’ve finished typing an e-mail message?
We should read it carefully.
And before clicking send?
Please consider the environment before sending this email.
All the best and Shana Tova