How’s this for an understatement?
The Revelation at Mount Sinai was awe inspiring!
Imagine having an encounter with the Creator of the universe!
… Try this.
Imagine that you had the following opportunity.
You could have a private audience with any three people in history.
The three that you consider to be the greatest of all times.
Who would it be?
(Please. No basketball players!)
Then imagine that every person in the world would have the same chance.
And then pool all the results.
There would be a list of thousands of the greatest people who ever lived.
Then picture having an audience with G-d who created every one of those people.
… That’s the experience we had at Mount Sinai.
And that experience gave us the potential to have a relationship with G-d until today.
Each and every one of us!
By studying His Torah. Trying to fulfill His commandments.
And even a private audience when we pray or recite a blessing!
… So next time we find ourselves thinking, “Boy. If I could only get into…
… Who could possibly open the door for me?
And what can I buy his secretary so she might get him to answer my calls?”
We should remember that at Mount Sinai God opened His door.
There’s no secretary.
And He’s waiting for us!
All the best,