I had some computer problems yesterday.
And when that happens, I stay away.
Because if I start touching things?
You can kiss Cleveland good bye!
… The Torah lists all the special days in the Jewish calendar. The “holidays”.
And which one is first?
Rosh Hashanah? Yom Kippur? The “High Holidays”?
It starts with Shabbat!
“These are My holidays… Six days shall you work and the seventh is a day of rest…in the first month… Passover…” (Leviticus, 23:3)
Because contrary to what many people think?
The “holiest” day in the Jewish calendar is Shabbat!
And get ready for this one!
The term “High Holidays” is not even part of Jewish tradition!
And if there was a “High Holiday”?
It would be Shabbat!
… The Hebrew word used for holidays is “Moadim”.
“Moadim” really means a time or place for a meeting. A get together.
And that’s what Shabbat and the holidays are really all about.
Days that G-d and the Jewish People get together.
Like when the Temple stood in Jerusalem?
The Jews went to Jerusalem to visit G-d in “His house”.
But there’s a difference between the Holidays and Shabbat.
On the Holidays it’s us going to G-d’s house.
But on Shabbat?
G-d comes into our homes.
And like a good friend who comes to visit?
G-d brings gifts!
The gift of peace and tranquility that permeates the home.
The gift of spiritual rejuvenation.
(Not to mention the gift of a family actually eating together!)
And if we share the gift with our children or grandchildren?
… G-d gives us the gift of Jewish continuity!
All the best,
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