We have failed our children if their role models are athletes!
Sure. Kids need heroes. They need role models.
But they should be great people.
Not great athletes!
… What did Moshe look like?
Was he tall and handsome? Muscular?
We have no idea!
Because in Jewish tradition those things aren’t really relevant.
And they don’t make a hero.
They may make a good athlete. Or a good actor.
What makes a hero?
… Jewish tradition has always had heroes.
Famous men and women who changed the world.
Like Moshe. Or Miriam.
And “ordinary” people who made the world a little better.
We owe it to our children to teach them what a hero is.
To tell them stories about great people in Jewish history.
About great human beings. And great people in their family.
Let them enjoy a good game!
But we should supply them with real heroes.
… And let’s not forget the best way to do it.
Making ourselves the kind of person they’ll look up to!
“I used to have all kinds of goals. As I get older one thing has become most important.
To be the kind of person my grandchildren will be proud of!” (Rabbi Berel Wein)
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