Hope you’re having a great day.
(And if you have been effected by the storm?
I hope things improve very quickly.)
… Today is Halloween.
Not usually a topic for a Torah Minute.
But I wanted to share something I think all Jews should think about today.
And be proud of.
It was something I shared with a group of parents at the Jewish Family Experience.
If you remember?
JFE is a new and unique Hebrew school. A partnership between NCSY and CTN.
NCSY provides the kids with exciting, inspiring and fun Jewish learning.
And the kids love it!
But at the Jewish Family Expereince?
Moms and dads don’t just “drop the kids off” and “pick them up” a few hours later.
They have the opportunity for meaningful Jewish learning of their own.
An informal learning session for the parents is provided by CTN.
So not only do the kids love their learning.
They also see that it’s important to their parents!
And that Jewish learning is not just for kids!
… I recently discussed Halloween with the parents.
And I contrasted it with the Jewish Purim.
Because at first glance?
They seem very similar.
On Purim we also go a little crazy. We let it all hang out.
Costumes. Masks. Drinking. Noisemakers.
And just about everything else.
But there is one huge difference between the two holidays.
On Halloween?
Kids go door to door to get candy.
To take.
On Purim?
We send our kids to deliver food.
To give.
It’s called shalach manos. The special mitzvah of sending gifts of food to others.
And there’s a special Purim mitzvah of giving extra charity to the poor.
… What an opportunity today provides to teach our kids a fundamental lesson.
A Jew doesn’t celebrate without giving to others!