Hi –
I hope you’re having a great day.
… Here’s something I had to share with you!
I saw a beautiful article about a seven year old Jewish Day School student.
He was taught at a young age to make a bracha, a blessing, before eating or drinking.
And when done properly?
These blessings are powerful tools.
They remind us to not take things for granted.
And they teach us to count our blessings.
… It seems that this boy’s teacher gave the class an assignment.
“Make a list of 100 things that you are thankful for.”
His list is powerful. And it’s adorable.
(The writer mentions that the boy “just happens” to be his grandson!)
… Here are some of the things that Yaakov is thankful for.
“Hashem, G-d. My life. My house.
My mother. My father. My little sister.
I am healthy. I have a brain.
School vacations. I live in the USA.
The sun. I woke up this morning.
Ice cream. Steak. My bed.
My tree house. My trampoline. That I am Jewish.
My grandparents are alive. They buy me presents.
I can walk. I can talk. I can jump. I can play.
I don’t need glasses. I have clothes. The Torah.
Shabbos. The Jewish holidays. I can wear my yarmulke outside.
The world is full of colors. I am growing. All the different flowers.
Swimming pools. Funny jokes. Barbecues. I saw the Grand Canton. My bicycle.
Police that keep us safe. Firefighters that put out fires. Doctors that keep us healthy.
I can remember things. I have running water in my house.
My mother and brothers have glasses so they can see better.”
… As I said, I hope you’re having a great day.
And I hope that little Yaakov has reminded you that …
It’s even a better day than you thought!
All the best,
Rabbi Moshe Katz
ChicagoTorah Network
2832W. Touhy Avenue
P 773. 761. 0400 ext. 201
F 773. 761. 9262