Hope all is well.
Something happened yesterday that ended up being quiet funny.
At the CTN Center we have a mail chute outside that opens into a small shelf.
Someone noticed a metal object sitting on the shelf.
It must have been dropped through the mail slot.
And she got scared.
Very scared!
(In Israel, they call it a “cheifetz chashud,” a “suspicious object”)
Because we live in a crazy world. A very dangerous world.
And suspicious objects gets us nervous. Especially at a Jewish location.
So she called Rabbi Deutsch!
He may have also been scared. But he rose to the occasion.
And grabbed an umbrella!
He poked at it and knocked it down from the shelf to the floor.
They both jumped back.
Thank G-d, no explosion!
He continued poking at it. Again and again.
It finally unraveled. Something was wrapped in aluminum foil.
Some kind of cookie!
They couldn’t imagine where it came from. But at least it wasn’t a bomb!
… Now that it was safe, I came back to the office.
And there was a message from my wife.
She had baked some oatmeal bars tailor made for my “heart healthy” diet.
(Whole wheat flour, oatmeal, canola oil and nuts in moderation.)
I prepared one to take along for a snack but left it on the kitchen counter.
So my wife called to tell me, “I passed by CTN to drop it off. But the door was locked.
Since I was in a rush, just dropped it in the mail slot. Hope you get this message. Enjoy.”
… Sometimes we meet someone and have a first impression.
“I don’t know… I’m suspicious… seems a little strange… maybe even a little scary!”
Next time that happens to me?
I’ll think of this story. Get a good laugh. And reserve judgment.
Because I’ll remember something.
That when I get to really see what’s inside?
I may find that it’s something very special!
All the best,
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