Posted by rabbi.deutsch on 11 Sep 2012 /
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Hope you’re enjoying the nice weather while we have it.
Autumn is here.
Which means a few things to me as a jogger.
On one hand?
The trees are getting beautiful.
And jogging through a park or even a tree lined street can be breathtaking.
But fall makes me think of something else.
My treadmill!
… How boring!
Because winter is not that far off.
And once it gets cold I need to move indoors.
(Cardiologist’s orders.)
No more beautiful scenery.
And no more people.
… I was jogging outdoors recently and saw a couple taking a brisk walk together.
It’s a couple I know.
They have wonderful children and grandchildren.
And they’re also great grandparents!
I thought to myself, “Pretty soon I’ll be indoors.
You can’t make a treadmill smile.
But you can make people smile!”
I turned off my Chassidic dance music and waived to them…
“It’s so nice to see newlyweds out walking together”!
They both laughed.
And while I wouldn’t say it was a scientific study about men and women?
Their different responses were interesting.
The man laughed and said,
“Yeah. Right”!
The woman laughed and said…
“Oh. Thank you”!
… Whether we’re joggers or not, there’s a lesson for us.
Life is hectic. We’re often on the run.
And sometimes we need to keep running.
But even without stopping?
We can make someone smile!
All the best,