Posted by rabbi.deutsch on 11 Sep 2012 /
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Hope all is well.
It was a classroom in an “exclusive” private school in …
The teacher was trying to make her students more conscious of the less fortunate.
She asked them to write an essay about a poor family.
Here’s what one little girl wrote.
“Once upon a time there was a poor family.
The father was poor. The mother was poor. The children were poor. The nannies were poor.
And the personal trainer was poor!”
… Last Sunday, I was at services in a local synagogue.
And sitting in front of me was this adorable 4 year old girl who had come along with her father.
And she came prepared!
A zip lock bag of nosh. A juice box.
And I noticed that she was holding something else.
A quarter!
It took me a second to figure it out.
She was given a quarter for tzedakah!
To put into the pushka, the tzedakah box.
I thought how precious!
… I don’t know if this girl has a nannie. Or if her parents have a personal trainer.
But I do know one thing.
She has great “personal trainers”.
Her parents.
They have taught her that together with her treats?
Comes a quarter for tzedakah!
All the best,