Thank G-d! The Akeida has a happy ending!
You may remember it from Hebrew School.
Or maybe you couldn’t wait and you finished the story!
At the last minute G-d tells Abraham to stop. (Genesis 22, 10-13)
“You passed the test.
Now I know that you fear G-d!
And that’s all I ever wanted.”
… That’s close. But not exactly what happened.
Here’s what it says.
An angel of G-d called out from heaven and said, “Do not harm the boy”.
It’s interesting.
How did the story start?
G-d said to Abraham, “Take your son…”
G-d told Abraham himself.
And when it comes to calling it off?
It’s an angel!
…Here’s what Jewish tradition says.
If an angel would have told Abraham to offer his son?
Abraham would have said, “Wow. An angel.
That’s pretty impressive!
But sorry. That’s not what G-d wants.”
Only a direct commandment from G-d Himself would do it.
When it comes to telling Abraham that it was only a test?
An angel is enough!
… G-d gave us the Torah at Mount Sinai.
He told us for all time what He wants from us.
… Picture a great prophet. Someone like Isaiah.
He’s world famous. A great Torah scholar. A very holy man.
And a real prophet.
Everything that he predicts comes true.
Never fails!
… Then one day he comes and says that G-d sent him with a very important message.
“G-d has decided to change some of the rules!
(After all, it’s been 3000 years!)
Some of those ethical demands are asking too much.
Shabbat is too hard!
… And just for good measure?
Here’s something else G-d told me.
The World Series will be between the Cubs and the White Sox!”
And it happens!
… Jewish tradition is very clear.
Isaiah is in trouble.
And here’s what we tell him.
“Sorry. Your predictions were very impressive.
(Especially the one about the World Series!)
Your track record has been perfect.
And you’ve always been known as a great spiritual leader.
But G-d didn’t tell you that!
Because He told us that He will never change His mind!
He won’t “lower the bar!”
… There’s a reason G-d gave us the Ten Commandments. And not the Ten Suggestions!
All the best,
P.S. My minute is up!
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“180 Minutes In One Day!”
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