Posted by rabbi.deutsch on 12 Sep 2012 /
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Hi, children parents respect speech
Hope you’re having a great day.
… A dad is walking through a mall with his six year old daughter.
And the inevitable happens.
She sees a toy she likes.
“Oh. Please. Can I get that?”
The father says, “Don’t you have enough toys to keep you busy for a while?”
“But I want it! And besides, I hardly have any toys.
And the ones I have are so boring”!
So the father says, “You know what? It’s kind of expensive.
How about if we wait for the store to run a special?”
The little girl loses it.
“My friends are always getting new toys.
Why do I always have to wait for a special?”
Her dad is about to give in. But first tries one thing.
And it turns the tide.
What did he do?
He bent down, gave her a big hug and said, “You know why we should wait for a special?
Because you’re special!”
… It’s a lesson for life.
Relationships can be challenging.
Whether its family or friends. Or business associates.
(And even Rabbis?)
We can’t always give the other person what they want.
But we can always give them the most important gift of all.
We can let them know that we think they’re special!
All the best,