Hope you’re enjoying the great weather!
… “Best Picture”.
What comes to mind?
The Academy Award for the Best Motion Picture.
A friend sent me something different.
Much more impressive. And much more inspiring.
“The Best Picture Taken by the Hubble Telescope”.
It’s a picture of the Sombrero Galaxy.
A huge galaxy.
I mean huge!
Think of the sun.
Its diameter is about 100 times larger than the Earth’s.
And Sombrero?
Is the size of 800 billion suns!
It’s a bit far away.
Like 28 million light years away!
Just to refresh your memory. What is a light year?
The distance light travels through space in one year.
About 5.9 trillion miles!
So how far is 28 million light years?
You might want to take some Advil!
… My friend wrote the following.
“When I see these pictures…how far away they are… how large they are?
I feel like I have seen a tiny glimpse of eternity!
We human beings think we are…
But we can see how little we really know. How tiny we really are.
Click here to see the “best picture” of Sombrero.
… We do know very little about the universe.
And we may be very tiny.
(Don’t feel bad. The Earth is very tiny too!)
But we’re not small!
Because there’s something the Torah taught us.
The Creator of the Sombrero Galaxy and of the rest of the universe?
Cares about how we live our lives!
Seeing Sombrero may be a glimpse of eternity.
But there’s something even better than a glimpse.
Earning a share in eternity!
G-d gives us opportunities every day.
To stop and do acts of kindness. To lift the spirits of people who are down.
And to not share that “juicy piece of gossip”!
Those are what I call eternity moments!
All the best,
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