I’m assuming that the last thing you want to hear about is the Super Bowl!
So here’s something else.
… I went to the doctor yesterday.
They have this new, state of the art, “super secure” computer system.
All your records in one place. “At your fingertips”.
While I was waiting for the doctor, a nurse came in.
She opened my file and starting asking routine questions.
I answered the questions and she entered the data.
…Then she takes my blood pressure.
I always think to myself, “High cholesterol and an angioplasty is enough.
Thank G-d my blood pressure is always great”!
Sure enough, the nurse says, “perfect”!
Then I see this shocked expression on her face.
And she says to me.
“Are you 80 years old”?
… Some things I’m used to.
Like people thinking that my wife is my daughter!
But this was a first.
No one has ever asked me if I was 80!
I see the nurse looking towards the screen. So I do the same.
It was a different Katz!
Wrong patient!
(The doctor told me that my blood pressure in an 80 year old was highly unlikely!)
… It reminded me of a famous story about the Chassidic master, Reb Zushia.
He used to say.
‘I’m not afraid that when I get to Heaven I’ll be asked why I wasn’t another Moses.
… It’s not a good question. I wasn’t born with the spiritual greatness of Moses.
Why wasn’t I another Hillel?
… I wasn’t given his humble nature.
Rabbi Akiva?
… I didn’t have his great mind.
But there’s one good question that I’m afraid they may ask me:
…Why weren’t you Zushia?’
… In Jewish tradition, we have a responsibility to live up to our potential.
To recognize our talents. See them as gifts from G-d.
And use them!
Next time I’m thinking about what I can do and what I can’t do?
And maybe saying to myself, “Be realistic. That’s too much.
You’re too old for that”?
I’ll remember my visit to the doctor. And here’s what I’ll say to myself.
“Are you going to be Moshe Katz?
Or that 80 year old guy”!
All the best,
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