Posted by rabbi.deutsch on 07 Aug 2012 /
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One last thing about Lashon Harah.
Say you’ve been asked to evaluate someone that’s being considered for a position.
And after a few Torah Minutes about Lashon Harah?
You want to be very careful!
But you need to convey some negative information that you know of first hand.
It will serve a constructive purpose. It’s the only way you can protect the other person.
You will not embellish. And you will not get pleasure from sharing the information.
Ready to have the letter typed up?
… Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach was one of the great Torah scholars of the 20thcentury.
Questions were sent to him about Jewish law and ethics from all over the world.
About modern technology and Shabbat. Medical ethics. Business ethics.
And every other area of life.
Rabbi Auerbach said, “Not so fast”!
What’s the problem?
I would have never thought of it!
He explained, “You shouldn’t give the letter to your secretary to type!
There’s no reason she needs to know what you’re writing about that person.
If at all possible, sit down and type the letter yourself”!
… It’s good for us to know that there were people like Rabbi Auerbach.
It should make it a little harder to enjoy a juicy piece of gossip!
All the best,