More on gossip, Lashon Harah.
The ability to speak is a wonderful gift.
The right words can lift a person’s spirits. Make them smile.
With our words we can create relationships.
… Lashon Harah is the exact opposite.
Our words are used to bring people down.
To cause other people pain. To destroy friendships.
Lashon Harah is a tragic abuse of a precious gift!
… I recently attended the Bar Mitzvah of a student at Ari Crown Jewish Day School.
The elevator was filled with friends of the Bar Mitzvah boy.
One of the boys points to a little bench, and says, “Please sit down.”
I was quiet impressed! “Thanks. I really appreciate it. But I’m fine.”
The boy wouldn’t give up. “Please. I insist!”
… I know what the great Rabbis that I look up to would do.
The kind of Rabbis who spend their whole day studying Torah or helping other people.
And don’t have a minute to spare!
They would call the boy’s mother and tell her how impressed they were with her son!
I decided once and for all. Stop talking about great Rabbis.
Start learning from them!
… “Hi. This is Moshe Katz. You don’t know me.
But do you mind if I give you some nachas?” (Pleasure is a very poor translation!)
The mother says, “Please! Give me some nachas!”
I told her what her son did. And how impressed I was.
I could tell that she was crying!
Then she laughs and says, “I really appreciate your calling. It happens to be great timing.
My son is actually in a little trouble right now!”
… With a one minute phone call?
I made a mother cry from pride in her son. And saved a good kid that was in trouble!
… If we go out of our way to say things that lift people up?
We’ll remind ourselves of the power of a good word.
And we’ll be less likely to abuse the gift of speech!
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