Hi –
Hope you’re having a great day.
… You may not have heard about it.
Because there was a “happy ending”.
But there was a huge scare Sunday evening (Chicagotime) atBenGurionAirport.
Shortly after take off, the El Al pilot noticed a problem with the landing gear.
A decision was made to return to Ben Gurion.
The plane circled above theMediterranean, dumping its fuel and waiting for daylight.
Passengers were told to prepare for an emergency landing.
They put their heads between their knees and waited.
Over a hundred ambulances and fire engines were waiting at the airport.
Prepared for the worst, G-d forbid.
…How did I found out about this?
I was at a traditional wedding.
It was beautiful. Tremendous joy and very lively dancing.
And then people started getting e mails and texts.
“El Al plane preparing for emergency landing. 300 passengers. Daven. Pray!”
The music stopped and an announcement was made.
“Our fellow Jews are in terrible danger. We’ll say a few chapters of Psalms for them.”
And everyone prayed together.
The bride, the groom and all the guests.
Not much later, the e mails and texts were back. With the good news.
‘Thank G-d. Plane landed safely. All passengers are fine!”
… Did anyone at the wedding have relatives on the plane?
Did any of the guests even know anyone on the plane?
But they knew one thing.
The Jewish People stood together atMount Sinai3000 years ago.
We were given a common mission. We became one.
And all Jews, wherever they are? And whatever “kind of Jews” they are?
Are like family!
For me?
This was one of those “proud to be a Jew” moments!
… And what a tremendous lesson for the bride and groom!
Because this couple will always remember what happened on their wedding day.
And as they, G-d willing, build a family, will never forget…
Every Jew is like family!
All the best,
Rabbi Moshe Katz
ChicagoTorah Network
2832W. Touhy Avenue
P 773. 761. 0400 ext. 201
F 773. 761. 9262