Hi –
Hope you’re having a great day.
… It happens every once in a while.
An “ordinary person” inspires me by doing something great.
And I wanted to tell you about such a person.
A friend of mine told me that his parents were about to mark a special anniversary.
Sixty five years!
It’s hard to imagine!
And the kids were ready to throw a huge party.
But his mother said no.
Because she has friends that were not as fortunate as she is.
And she was afraid of making them feel bad!
I was amazed!
To live to such a milestone and think twice before celebrating?
Because you’re thinking about other people?
People who are your friends? And would only be happy for you?
It’s a sign of a very special person.
… But it’s even more amazing.
Because there’s something else about this woman.
She’s a Holocaust survivor!
She experienced suffering beyond our imagination.
The Germans tried to rob her of her dignity. Of her humanity.
For years she didn’t know if she would ever smile again.
Somehow she survived, rebuilt here life and raised a beautiful family.
She’s blessed to celebrate 65 years of marriage.
Has there ever been a person with more cause to celebrate?
With more of a right to focus on her joy?
And she is so sensitive that she’s thinking about other people!
… We should stand in awe of a woman like this.
She is testimony to an idea that the Nazis wanted to destroy.
That every human being has a neshama, a soul. Something G-dly within them.
In the words of the Torah, every human being is created in the Image of G-d.
That neshama gives a person the ability to do G-dly things.
And it can not be destroyed!
All the best,
Rabbi Moshe Katz
ChicagoTorah Network
2832W. Touhy Avenue
P 773. 761. 0400 ext. 201