Hope you’re having a great day.
… I finally joined the 21st century!
When I jog, I listen to Jewish dance music.
And I’ve been using a cassette player strapped around my waist.
(I assume you may know that there used to be a thing called cassette tapes!)
It was pretty bulky and probably looked like a real “dinosaur”.
I finally upgraded to a tiny little MP3 player.
It weighs 26 grams and can hold over 1000 songs.
… I went out jogging with it for the first time last week.
And I was pretty impressed.
So small. So light. And great sound!
So I was jogging and thinking…
“This thing is amazing! The one who thought of it is pretty clever.”
Then I noticed a guy heading towards me in the other lane, holding his water bottle.
So far nothing unusual.
Then I hear him making a bracha. A blessing before drinking.
“Baruch…Blessed are You King of the universe…
Through Whose word everything came into being.”
That was a first for me!
I, of course, said Amen!
… It got me thinking.
Does G-d ever send us messages?
Our tradition says yes.
Was this a message?
Can’t really know.
But my life will be enhanced if I assume it was.
And that it goes something like this.
“Moshe. This is G-d. Nice to see you jogging. Keep it up.
I noticed that you’re quiet impressed with the MP3 player.
And with the person who invented it.
So I sent that guy with the water bottle to remind you.
… “Through Whose word everything came into being.”
Who do you think created the guy who came up with the idea?
And the human brain capable of thinking of it?
Who made human beings curious enough to invent things?
Please enjoy the MP3 player. Put it to good use.
It’s a gift from Me!”
… Whenever something makes us say “wow”?
We should say…
“Thank You, G-d, for the gift!”
All the best,
Rabbi Moshe Katz
ChicagoTorah Network
2832W. Touhy Avenue
P 773. 761. 0400 ext. 201
F 773. 761. 9262