Hope you’re having a great day.
… Now that Thanksgiving is behind us?
There are two things we need to do.
Lose those extra pounds we may have gained!
And make sure that we don’t wait until next year to be thankful!
I just read about an amazing person who can make the second much easier for us.
… Barry Shore of Venice, California.
His e-mail signature includes a “www’. But it is not followed by any internet address.
When you read the next line you see what it stands for…
“What a Wonderful World!”
If you talk to him he will say, filled with joy…
“A fabulous thing happened to me this morning…
I got out of bed. I opened my eyes. I’m able to breath.
What more can I ask for?”
Is his life all peaches and cream?
It may have been until Rosh Hashanah of 2004.
When he tried to get out of bed but collapsed on the floor.
His body was shutting down and by the evening…
He was a quadriplegic!
Diagnosed as having Guillian-Barre syndrome, a very serious neurological disorder.
… Barry is a deeply religious person and did ask…
“Why me?”
But he shares a piece of wisdom that he learned from his mother.
She told him to always ask “why me?”
But instead of, “Why G-d are You picking on me?”
You should mean, “What am I specifically supposed to learn from this experience?”
He was determined to survive, to walk again and…
Appreciate things that he may have taken for granted.
… To make a very long story short?
Barry can now walk with the help of short braces. Can swim a mile without stopping.
Enjoys hiking in Joshua Tree National Park.
And takes nothing for granted.
(He was also featured in Newsweek.)
What pulled him through?
“Prayer, therapy and love!”
… We all have our share of challenges.
We can all lose sight of the blessings in our lives.
We all spend time in front of our computers!
And here’s a suggestion.
Whenever we see those three letters…
We should think ofBarryShore. We should be inspired.
And we should take it from him…
“What a Wonderful World!”