Hope you’re having a great day.
The Jay Leno show?
Not what you expect to see in a Torah Minute!
But you probably heard about President Obama being on the show.
And when you’re on Leno?
You have to try to be funny.
And the president made an off the cuff remark.
Which came across as an affront to the Special Olympics.
And as soon as he said it, he realized it was inappropriate.
By the time it was actually aired on television, he had already apologized.
But it was too late.
… How did people respond?
Was his apology enough to put it behind them?
It usually depended on whom they voted for!
On how they felt about our new president.
But just about everyone agreed on one thing.
That Special Olympics are sacred!
Not something you make jokes about!
… It’s something we should think about as Jews.
Because the Olympics originated in Ancient Greece.
And there were no Special Olympics there.
For a very simple reason.
There were no people with special needs.
Because a baby that was not “perfect” was left on a mountain to die!
So what happened?
Why are there Special Olympics today?
Why does a remark by the most powerful person in the world put him on the “hot seat”?
Because the Jewish People changed the world with its Torah!
We taught that every human being is created in the Image of G-d.
And entitled to respect, dignity and, of course, life!
As Jews, we should be proud of what we taught the world.
And make sure we continue live up to our mission.
As a People. And as individuals.
To be a light unto the nations!
… And I hope it whets your “appetite” for CTN’s exciting new program.
“Food for Thought”. An after work opportunity for great networking. Terrific food. And quality learning!
On next Tuesday, March 31, I will be giving a 40 minute presentation of Torah, values, science and modern life.
The topic is “Stem Cell Research. Is it Kosher?” and details are available at http://www.torahnetwork.org/food-for-thought-stem-cell.htm. Please don’t leave downtown without it!
Please! We need you to make your reservation now because we need to order food and due to limited space we may not be able to accommodate walk-ins. Please make your reservation now at www.torahnetwork.org/register.htm. Thank you.
All the best,