Before we leave Egypt?
We should think about why we were there to start with.
Why was it G-d’s “master plan” that we become a nation in Egypt?
What’s wrong with Florida!
And why did we have to be slaves in Egypt?
… Jewish tradition has many insights into this question.
Here’s one.
The Jewish People needed to feel what its like to be “foreigners in a strange land”.
Needed to feel what it’s like to be enslaved. To be persecuted.
So that we would always be sensitive to the feelings of others.
Always relate to the suffering of others.
And certainly, to never be oppressors!
The Torah repeats it so often.
“Do not hurt the feelings of a foreigner, or oppress him. Because you were foreigners in Egypt. (Exodus, 22:20)
… Sometimes people feel that suffering gives them privileges.
The Torah teaches the opposite.
Suffering gives us responsibilities!
To become better. More sensitive.
… And it’s not only the “big picture”. Not only about us as a nation.
It’s about each one of us!
I hope we’re all having a great day.
But if we’re not?
Or if we remember having “one of those days”?
When someone was really hurtful.
Maybe a co-worker?
By all means, we should take appropriate steps to protect ourselves.
And we can go to human resources. We can find out what our rights are.
But then we need to consult our Divine resource. The Torah.
And find out what our responsibilities are.
… If we were hurt?
We need to be more careful not to hurt others.
To notice when someone else is having “one of those days”.
And to reach out to them.
Because we’ve been there!
All the best,