We’re going to wrap up the creation of the universe.
And we did it in five days!
The days of creation are followed with, “And G-d saw that it was good.”
Then it says, “It was evening and it was morning, a third day. … A fourth day… A fifth day.
On the sixth day, G-d created the animals and Adam, the first human being.”
He was finished.
Then it says, “G-d saw all that He had made. And, behold, it was very good”.
“It was evening and it was morning, the sixth day”.
If we read carefully, we’ll see a few subtle differences on day six.
On the other days it says, “G-d saw that it was good”.
The sixth day?
G-d saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
It was not just good. It was very good.
And it says, behold, it was very good.
Behold means, surprise!
Why is the sixth day different?
There’s a very important message here.
The sun is amazing. And so is the moon. And the stars.
The animals are amazing. And so are the fruits and vegetables. And so much more.
But all together, it’s even more amazing.
When we see the whole picture.
The harmony. How everything works together like a symphony.
Then we should say, wow. This is really amazing!
So on the sixth day G-d looks at everything together and says, behold, it is very good!
It’s something to think about next time we have a simple glass of water.
We should appreciate the miracle.
Because where does our water begin?
In the ocean.
But you can’t drink it. It’s full of salt.
Don’t worry.
G-d took care of it.
He made a sun. Ninety three million miles away.
The sun makes the water evaporate. Water vapor rises and forms clouds.
It rains. And we have delicious water.
… Behold it is very good!