Chag Samayach! Happy Succot!
Here’s a thought about the Succah.
It’s about the schach. The roof of the Succah.
Usually made of greens or bamboo.
Jewish tradition says that it shouldn’t be too thick.
That we should be able to see the stars when we look up.
… What should seeing the stars make us think?
Here’s one way to look at it.
It’s from a billboard advertising the Haley Planetarium in Boston.
“Come visit the planetarium, you little speck in the Universe!”
And it’s true!
From a secular perspective?
We are just specks in the Universe!
Not very impressive.
And we’re in good company.
Because the whole Earth is just a speck in the Universe!
… And that effects how we see ourselves. And how we see others.
If I’m just speck? So are you!
(Someone once said to me, “You’re a smaller speck!”)
… The Jewish perspective is very different.
Wants us to think very differently when we look up at the stars.
What should we think?
The galaxies are amazing. Awe inspiring!
But you know what G-d said after he made them?
“Very nice. Now let’s get down to business.
Let’s create human beings.
Because the whole world was created for them.
As a setting for their challenge to live as human beings and as Jews.
So we’re not specks.
We’re the purpose for the whole world.
So we should look up at the stars.
Sense how important we are.
And we should be inspired to become a better person. And a better Jew!
… I have one more thing to share with you.
A personal request.
… The CTN needs you. And needs your support.
The clock is ticking towards our annual Evening In Support of CTN.
It’s Tuesday, October 19th at the beautiful Bryn Mawr Country Club in Lincolnwood.
Join Jews of all backgrounds for a beautiful and inspiring evening.
I consider you part of the CTN family, and it would mean a lot to me to have you join us.
CTN needs your support to continue its work to insure the Jewish future.
The cost of the dinner is $180 a person. And there are sponsorship opportunities that allow you to play an even greater part in all that CTN does.
Please respond ASAP as generously as you can by going to our secure website https://wwws.capalon.com/secure/jif/ctn/dinner04.php
If you have any questions please email me or give me a call at 773.478.0400 x201.
Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully seeing you on the 19th.