Hi –
I hope that you are having a great day.
… I feel like this may be the most important Torah Minute yet!
First, thanks to all of you who keep asking about my nephew Yehuda. (As I am sure many of you remember, Yehuda was in a car accident and suffered very serious spinal injury.)
And thanks for all your prayers. Thank G-d, as you will see in a minute, there has been tremendous improvement!
I’ve told you a bit about how special a young man Yehuda is.
But have always felt frustrated.
Because I can’t do him justice!
But I now have an amazing opportunity for you to get to know Yehuda.
Because the localOttawanewspaper ran a story about him and also asked him to be videoed.
The truth is that Yehuda is a very private person. And he agreed to share his experience for only one reason.
… He hopes that other people will be inspired by his message.
And in terms of his fellow Jews?
Yehuda loves Jews! He has devoted his life to teaching them. To inspiring them.
And while he can’t teach in a classroom right now?
He hopes he can teach by sharing his story.
… Yehuda is not reading his message. He is not using a teleprompter. And in fact it was something they asked him to do very last minute.
He is speaking straight from his heart!
… I’m sure you will be very touched by the article and by seeing Yehuda and hearing his message:
And you may think, “I wish I could do something for this special person.”
… Well you can!
Yehuda believes deeply in the spiritual power that we can generate on his behalf.
So first, please continue praying for Yehuda Pinchas ben Osna.
And second?
His deepest hope is that people will be inspired to grow Jewishly.
And any step you take will give him tremendous strength and encouragement.
I’d like to make a few suggestions. Some things you can do that will make a big difference to you … and to Yehuda.
1. Learn from Yehuda to appreciate the gift of life, by saying the Modeh Ani, / “Thank G-d I’m Alive” prayer every morning.
If you read Hebrew, you can find the Modeh Ani here: http://www.berachot.org/hebrew/modeh.html
Here’s the English transliteration and translation: “Modeh ani lifanecha Melech chai v’kayam shehechezarta bi nishmosi b’chemlah, rabbah emunasecha.”
“I gratefully thank You, Living and Eternal King. For You have returned my soul within me with compassion. Abundant is Your faithfulness!”
2. Sign up for CTN’s Discovery Seminar, Sunday, February 27. Info and registration at: www.torahnetwork.org/discovery.htm
This is a truly thought provoking and life changing series of classes that speaks to the question of why be Jewish, and explores whether or not we can prove that G-d wrote the Torah. It’s fascinating stuff and an amazing catalyst for Jewish growth. Please join me for this unique and powerful event.
3. Light Shabbat candles Friday before sunset. (Candle lighting times for your city can be found at http://www.aish.com/sh/c/). User friendly instructions and explanations at http://www.aish.com/sh/ht/fn/48965051.html
5. Recite Kiddush over wine Friday night. User friendly instructions and explanations at http://www.aish.com/sh/ht/fn/48967396.html
6. Learn more about Kosher. There’s a great book, “Kosher for the Clueless but Curious” at http://www.artscroll.com/Books/kccp.html
7. Learn more about ‘lashon hara’ – the Torah’s laws and lessons about gossip and slander. There’s a great book, “Gossip: Ten Pathways to Eliminate It from Your Life and Transform Your Soul, by Lori Palatnik, at http://www.amazon.com/Gossip-Pathways-Eliminate-Your-Transform/dp/0757300553
… I hope you will watch the video … be inspired … and do something for yourself.
And for Yehuda.
I would greatly appreciate if you would send me your Jewish growth commitment so I can forward it to Yehuda, along with any other message you would like me to give him.
You’ll bring a big smile to the face of a very special young man.
Thank you.
All the best,
Rabbi Moshe Katz
ChicagoTorah Network
2832W. Touhy Avenue
P 773. 761. 0400 ext. 201
F 773. 761. 9262