Hope you’re having a great day.
That you are keeping cool.
And remembering to drink plenty of water.
… Here’s something to think about when you have a simple glass of water.
There’s a basic law of physics.
The colder something is?
The denser it becomes. And the heavier it is.
So in a swimming pool the water on the bottom is colder.
Warm water rises and cold water sinks.
But there’s one problem.
Ice cubes!
They are as cold as water can get.
So why do they float on top? They should sink to the bottom!
And when a lake freezes over? Why does the ice form on top?
… It’s an amazing thing about water.
As it gets colder it becomes denser. Like everything else.
Until the water gets close to the freezing point.
Then suddenly something “happens”.
The water molecules start to expand. They get lighter.
And when it turns to ice?
It floats to the top!
… It’s a good thing it works that way.
If it didn’t?
You probably wouldn’t be reading this!
And neither would anyone else!
Think about a lake or ocean in the winter.
The first layer of ice would sink to the bottom.
And so would the next layer. And the next.
Until it was completely frozen.
All the fish and plant life would die.
And in the spring when the ice would melt?
The water would be undrinkable.
And life on earth would not exist!
So in order for us to be here and enjoy a nice cold glass of water?
G-d had to arrange what some people call a “quirk of nature”.
… Jewish tradition has a way to help us appreciate this miracle.
It’s called a bracha. A blessing.
Here’s a suggestion.
Take a glass of water some time today.
And before you drink it?
Make a bracha. Thank G-d for the gift. Remind yourself of the miracle!
And be inspired!
Here are the words.
“You are blessed, the Lord our G-d, King of the universe, by Whose word everything came into being”. (Baruch atoh adonoy, eloheynu melech haolom,
shehakol nihyeh bidvoroh)
And do me a favor.
Drop me an e-mail and tell me you tried it. (And show me that you really read this!)