Hope you’re having a great day.
The new Egyptian king sees the Jews as a threat and enslaves them. (Exodus, 1:8-2:10)
He orders the Jewish midwives to kill every newborn Jewish boy.
But the midwives “feared G-d” and defied the order. They kept the boys alive.
So Pharaoh issued a new decree. To his own people.
“Every Jewish boy that is born should be thrown into the Nile.”
… It’s at this time that Moshe is born.
The Talmud fills us in on some of the details.
Moshe’s parents had separated.
They said, “This is not the time to bring Jewish children into the world.”
When people saw their leaders giving up?
They did the same.
… This may have been the lowest point in our history.
In the worst of times, the Jewish People have always had faith in a brighter future.
But now?
Their spirits were broken.
… Until Miriam stepped up. Moshe’s sister.
She protested.
“You’re decree is worse than Pharaoh’s.
He said no Jewish boys. And you say no Jewish children!
What about the Jewish future? What about our mission?
Pharaoh will never be able to destroy us.
We have G-d’s promise”!
Her parents realized she was right. And they had another child.
… Since then, we have gone through incredibly difficult times.
And we could have thrown in the towel.
But there were always Jews who were inspired by Miriam.
And kept their faith in the eternity of the Jewish People.
Who said, “Maybe this child will be like Moshe.
And will make this a better world!”
All the best,