Here’s one of my favorites about Shabbat.
“The Children of Israel shall observe the Sabbath… between Me and them it’s a sign forever”. (Exodus, 31:16-17)
The Torah calls Shabbat a sign.
… Think of a large business. It’s been around for many years.
Very successful.
But the old generation is gone. And it’s handed down to the next generation.
You pass by and notice that the store is not open.
A few weeks later – it’s still closed.
And you wonder: Are they just taking some time off?
Or are they closing for good?
It’s hard to tell.
Then, one day you see them repainting the sign on the front of the building.
Now you’re sure.
… It’s here to stay.
Judaism is the business.
Our grandparents passed it on to us.
Maybe we’re not as involved in it as they were.
… But it means a lot to us.
And we want it to continue.
The best way to start?
Setting aside the time.
With family. Friends.
Celebrating being Jewish. Growing Jewishly.
Step by step.
Shabbat is ’the sign’.
… At my “Shabbat on Tuesday Workshop” you can learn all about the Shabbat rituals.
If you already plan on attending?
Great. Especially if we haven’t met yet.
If we haven’t met. And you don’t plan on attending?
I have to be honest.
I’m running out of ideas!
I’ve tried sushi. Home made quinoa. And now cholent!
And if I don’t get to meet you soon?
I may just show up at your doorstep!
Because I know you wouldn’t close the door on a Rabbi!
To register please click here http://www.torahnetwork.org/Shabbat_on_Tuesday.htm
All the best,