When the Jewish People were in the dessert they built a portable Temple.
In Hebrew? The Mishkan.
Among other things, there was an Ark. For the tablets of the Ten Commandments.
And the Torah gives the dimensions of the Ark.
“Two and a half cubits long. A cubit and a half wide. And a cubit and a half high”. (Exodus, 25:10)
(A cubit is less than two feet. If the files in your brain are almost full you can forget it.)
It’s interesting.
All the dimensions of the Ark are fractions.
But every other measurement in the Temple was in whole numbers.
X by Y by Z.
… There’s a very important message here about Torah. And about growth.
Sometimes we get inspired.
It can be a visit to Israel. Or a life cycle event.
And we may say, “I should really try to grow Jewishly.
Maybe learn Hebrew. Study some Torah. Or bring more Jewish ritual into my life”.
And what can happen sometimes?
We hear a little voice inside us.
“Come on. Knock it off!
Who are you kidding”?
And we get discouraged. Overwhelmed.
Because there’s so much to learn. So much to do.
We can never “do the whole thing”.
And we end up doing nothing!
… So the Torah tells us to think of the Ark holding the Tablets.
The Torah has so much wisdom. So much to teach us about life.
So it’s important that we just start. To do what we can.
Because if we don’t get the whole thing? We’ll get a fraction.
And fractions count!
All the best,